Deploy XTokenBacking on the source chain and XTokenIssuing on the issuing chain using a proxy contract method.
Once deployed, connect XTokenBacking and XTokenIssuing using the Messager
Authorize the Messager before connecting (see authorization details in the Messager section above).
Use setSendService and setReceiveService to link both sides, specifying the opposite chain ID, the counterpart XTokenBridge address, and the local Messager Service address.
Register Tokens
Use registerOriginalToken on XTokenBacking and updateXToken on XTokenIssuing to register native tokens and their mapped counterparts. If no mapped token exists, create one that follows the standard IXToken interface.
Use updateGuard to set the guard address. For any XTokenBridge with a non-zero guard address, transactions must go through Guard, and users will need to perform a claim action upon message delivery.
GuardV3 and WTokenConvertor are specific scenarios for XToken callback extensions. Developers can implement custom extensions, provided they comply with the IXTokenCallback interface.
Extensions can be chained in sequence by specifying receipt and extData.