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Assets not issued via XToken are considered native assets. Conversely, assets issued through XToken, backed by native assets, are referred to as mapped assets. Typically, mapped assets have a symbol starting with the letter "x," although exceptions exist, such as mapped assets defined by the issuer. Hereafter, we will refer to the chain where native assets reside as the source chain, and the chain where mapped assets reside as the target chain.

When a user needs to lock native assets and issue mapped assets on the target chain, they must call the Backing contract interface on the source chain. This process is called Lock-and-Issue.

When a user needs to burn mapped assets and redeem native assets on the source chain, they must call the Issuing contract interface on the target chain. This process is called Burn-and-Redeem.

If the Lock-and-Issue process fails on the target chain, the user must call the Issuing contract interface on the target chain to roll back and retrieve the locked native assets. If the Burn-and-Redeem process fails on the source chain, the user must call the Backing contract interface on the source chain to roll back and retrieve the mapped assets.

Lock-and-Issue (Executed on the Backing Contract)

function lockAndXIssue(
uint256 _remoteChainId,
address _originalToken,
address _recipient,
address _rollbackAccount,
uint256 _amount,
uint256 _nonce,
bytes calldata _extData,
bytes memory _extParams
) external payable returns(bytes32 transferId);
  • _originalToken: Address of the native asset

  • _recipient: Address of the receiving account

  • _rollbackAccount: Address authorized to roll back the transaction in case of failure

  • _amount: Amount to transfer

  • _nonce: Transaction nonce, typically set to the current timestamp

  • _extData: Additional data

    • Explanation of _extData

      XToken introduces a level of flexibility on the receiving end of the target chain through custom extensions. This allows users to invoke custom contract interfaces while receiving mapped assets, enabling them to perform subsequent operations.

      When _recipient is a contract address that implements the interface defined in this file, the issuing contract will first transfer the mapped assets to _recipient and then call the xTokenCallback interface. The _extData is passed directly to xTokenCallback. For instance, this contract WTokenConvertor implements IXTokenCallback. When the user specifies _recipient as the address of this WTokenConvertor contract, they need to set _extData to the address of the final token recipient. This ensures that after WTokenConvertor unwraps the wtoken into native tokens, it transfers them to the actual recipient account.

  • _extParams: Underlying messaging layer parameters

    This parameter varies depending on the underlying messaging service being used. For instance, if the underlying service is the Darwinia Msgport, the parameter needs to be obtained by calling the Msgport API available here.

Lock-and-Issue Rollback (Executed on the Issuing Contract)

function xRollbackLockAndXIssue(
uint256 _originalChainId,
address _originalToken,
address _originalSender,
address _recipient,
address _rollbackAccount,
uint256 _amount,
uint256 _nonce,
bytes memory _extParams
) external payable;
  • _originalChainId: Chain ID of the source chain
  • Other parameters are consistent with those in the Lock-and-Issue process

Burn-and-Redeem (Executed on the Issuing Contract)

function burnAndXUnlock(
address _xToken,
address _recipient,
address _rollbackAccount,
uint256 _amount,
uint256 _nonce,
bytes calldata _extData,
bytes memory _extParams
) external payable returns(bytes32 transferId);
  • _xToken: Address of the mapped asset
  • _recipient: Address of the receiving account
  • _rollbackAccount: Address authorized to roll back the transaction in case of failure
  • _amount: Amount to transfer
  • _nonce: Transaction nonce, typically set to the current timestamp
  • _extData: Additional data
  • _extParams: Underlying messaging layer parameters

Burn-and-Redeem Rollback (Executed on the Backing Contract)

function xRollbackBurnAndXUnlock(
uint256 _remoteChainId,
address _originalToken,
address _originalSender,
address _recipient,
address _rollbackAccount,
uint256 _amount,
uint256 _nonce,
bytes memory _extParams
) external payable;
  • _remoteChainId: Chain ID of the target chain
  • Other parameters are consistent with those in the Burn-and-Redeem process